Tragically, a little boy died on October 11, last Friday, from a beating by his mother’s boyfriend, Joseph Patterson.
Bobby Ruffin raised this child thinking he was the father, although he was no longer in a relationship with his mother. But a few months ago, through DNA tests, it was discovered that Adrian Peterson was the boy’s biological father.
Adrian had no problem accepting the child as his, but was unable to meet him until the boy was in a coma from his injuries. Of course, there is sympathy for Adrian, but Bobby feels like people have forgotten that little Tyrese Robert Ruffin had been his son too. He posted on Facebook
Yes A.P. he was the biological father but I raised him and he carried my name. Tyrese Robert Ruffin. I don’t blame AP for not really caring cuz him and I both found out recently who the biological father was.”
“AP met my son for the first time yest when my son was already in coma. I was here today when we pulled the plug, not him. He was happily practicing and has no problem playing on Sunday.”
“So yea this isn’t all out yet but I’m sick of the poor AP sh*t. He didn’t know or even meet my son. Sorry for the outburst but put yourself in my place.”
It seems that he is also bitter that AP played on Sunday, but we can’t really judge him as people have different ways of coping with grief.
This all happened in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The child’s mother is said to be Ann “Ashley” Doohen who has also posted on Facebook.
There’s not much more to say except that our hearts break for little Tyrese, and for both his fathers and that hopefully justice will be done for him.