
Zoe Mikva

Zoe Mikva Judge Abner Mikva’s Wife

Daily Entertainer

Zoe Mikva Zoe Mikva is the wife of judge Abner Mikva, the federal judge, professor, politician, lawyer, once an advisor ...

Timothy Sweeten and Elizabeth Millsap: Sawyer Sweeten’s Parents

L.A Girl

By now you probably heard the tragic news regarding the death of child star Sawyer Sweeten who reports say committed ...

Monica Leaf – Fox 5 reporter Charles Leaf’s Wife

Daily Entertainer

Monica Leaf never doubt her husband Fox 5 reporter Charles Leaf was innocent of raping  a child, in her mind ...

Hailey Rhode Baldwin Stephen Baldwin Daughter

Nina Dawn

You saw it. Is true. Irish blood and mixed with Brazilian mummy does bring extra gorgeous uber beau to earth! ...